Wednesday 30 December 2015

9th and Final Reflection - Memories of my Pedagogy Journey! :)

12 weeks of Pedagogy has definitely been a challenging yet very meaningful one. I have discovered tons of lessons along the way :

Firstly, I discovered you will never love  or know what you are capable of doing until you actually put in effort to take the first step to try. Blogging wasn't my interest at the beginning and I got all worried when it became a part of my assignment. Trust me I did actually thought I would not be able to do a good job. Nevertheless, it didnt stop me from trying. My mum always say you will never love something until you actually take time to discover it. I took her advise and actually put in a lot of effort in each blog I did. I know I had my flaws here and there but it all paid off when I got good comments from my lecturer, Madam Ng :) It definitely means a lot to me and it sought of boosted up my confidence level to write better in each blog! :) P.s Thank you so much Madam Ng, I wouldn't be able to do a good job without your humanistic school of thought approach! :p Hehe Giving praises and rewards to students could actually boost confidence! :)

Secondly, I discovered that student centred approach in classroom could actually be a really good method of teaching and learning. Well, I did actually read in books and online journal on how good student centred approach could be but I never actually witnessed it. In Madam Ng's class, I witnessed it for the past 12 weeks. Madam Ng was a person of very less words. She gave her students to speak out more during class. From open discussions to padlets, and online forums. I love how Madam Ng doesn't direct us to only use specific method of learning and being autocratic like some lecturers. At first I wondered why Madam actually didn't speak much but eventually I discovered that we learn better in group discussions and when we go through each other's work in classroom for example the online forums, padlets and more. I learnt a lot of things for this past 12 weeks compared to any other subject I learnt in UNITAR ever since semester one. I am definitely going to adapt this method of teaching in classroom when I be an educator in the future.

Thirdly, I discovered the importance and value of friendship. Yes, I am a person who gets a little emotional when it comes to friendship. I get easily touched when I get good support and positive vibes. What touched me was during mock teaching, I witnessed how helpful, supportive and encouraging each and every one could be. Some of us even me was a little nervous during Mock Teaching but with the constant help and support from friends, I could overcome the fears. I am ever so thankful to this people for helping me along the way! Definitely one of the best bunch of friends I have ever had. I only knew some of them only during Pedagogy class, but I feel like I have known them for years by the way they treat me. So warm and caring!
This people have been a great support to me! Thank you Shevaanni, Retesh and Diyanah! Love you guys <3

Forthly, I learned classroom management & rules in classroom the key to a great teaching and learning environment. During he 7th or 8th week of class, when we had the discussion of classroom management and rules in the classroom, I was exposed to many different situations given by Dr Ng and as well as my classmates in the discussion on how to face certain situations. Though I had the experience of teaching 4 years old back in the year 2011 but I didn't know it would be totally different. I realized as students get older sometimes they tend to be even more rebellious. That discussions we had in classroom, gave me a lot of useful inputs of what I should prepare myself into when I enter the world of teaching. Honestly, when we were asked to find the different ways of classroom management and rules, I did a little research and found different methods and rules which caught my attention and I would definitely use it in the futures. This shows that this course has been a good platform for me to let myself sink in more into the world of teaching.

Fifth, learned that to be a teacher is not an easy responsibility. Yes, I was aware from the beginning to be a teacher is not an easy job, because parents and society have so much hopes on teachers to mould their children to be a morally and intellectually good. What I didn't know along the way was the preparation a teacher need to do before he/she gets into the class is crucial. From preparing the lesson plans, the methods, materials and rationale behind each notes, exercises and activities that will be conducted is important and needs to be up to date to the current syllabus. During this 12 weeks, I was given a good exposure by Madam Ng to get myself started with lesson plans and preparing notes and activities so that I would be emotionally prepared of what I would be facing in the future with the secondary students in school. Thank you so much Madam Ng for all the guidance in helping and encouraging me to get exposed to lesson plans though it was a little challenging but I managed to do it.
p.s A blog wouldn't be enough to share all that I have discovered throughout the 12 weeks! Too many meaningful lessons. :)


This is my final blog and I would like to thank Madam Ng for all the advises, support and patience in teaching me and guiding me for the past 12 weeks. Thank you so much for introducing me to so many new methods of teaching and learning. It was definitely a great pleasure to get you as my lecturer. I enjoyed your classes and I would definitely miss attending your classes and blogging as well. Words cant describe how thankful I am for all the knowledge you have shared and I see the rationale behind each and every task and method of teaching you have done with us. I learned a lot from your class and I definitely would use it when I get into the world of teaching. I really hope to make you proud someday Madam. Please do keep us all in your prayers and thoughts. Thank you so much again Madam for everything! <3 :)

Shoutout to all ESEB 2064 OCTOBER 2015 thank you so much for all the support, friendship and fun times you guys have given me. I definitely enjoyed being in the accompany of you all. It has definitely been a pleasure and I am really blessed to know all of you. Hope we would be able to work together again as a class though some of us are from different semesters. Thank you so much for the memories ESEB 2064 OCTOBER 2015 <3 <3 Love you guys tons! All the best for finals! Break a leg and see you guys soon! :) 

Tuesday 22 December 2015

8th Reflection : Mock Teaching :)

          Mock teaching has been going on 2 weeks now and this time around in my blog I would be talking about the mock teaching process and my preference. Honestly, I can say each and every one who presented in these two weeks had done their level best and they look like they are naturally born to be teachers. Though there are flaws here and there, but almost everyone managed to nail it! Kuddos guys! I believe this is a great stepping stone for each and every one of us to manage our fear to stand in front and to teach within 30 minutes. It takes a lot of effort, hard work and bravery to do it. Honestly when my friends were in front teaching, I could actually imagine what each teachers in secondary schools are actually going through to prepare lesson plans, to teach students with so many levels of understanding and also behaviour, prepare exercises, mark them and more. Wow being a teacher is definitely something to be proud off! I am definitely a proud educator to be. J On the first day of mock teaching, the bar has been set up really high by most of my friends. Good is such an understatement to describe some of them. 

          Especially Ashkamir, he taught Economics in class and honestly I don’t really like Economics. I dropped it back when I was in form 6 because I didn’t really like the way Economics was taught and I had no background in Economics back in form 4 and 5 because I was in Science stream. So yeah I did struggle a bit causing me to take History instead. When I heard Askhamir was going to teach Economics, I really thought I won’t be focusing in class at all. But yeah,  I was wrong, he caught my attention to get me to study Economics. What I liked was the method he used in his teaching where he created a Poem out of the few elements of Economics he taught. That was a brilliant and creative idea and I never taught it could be done. His body language and voice intonation was really good and it made most of us (especially those who hate economics) to love it at least for a day when he taught us. Haha :p His enthusiasm really got into us. He used the teacher centred approach where he kept reminding us to not be “ego” where we should listen to him first before anything. I find it interesting and I respect him for the method he use. Where though, it is teacher centred but he still managed to get all of us to like what he taught. Honestly, if I had such a teacher back in form 6, I wouldn’t have dropped Economics at all. Hahaha (I am serious) J He didn’t have such fancy notes, rewards or anything but he has the charisma which every teacher should have.


  Next, Denslee amazed me with the booklet he made for mock teaching. Honestly, it is not easy producing a booklet because I myself did a booklet for my mock teaching. I salute Denslee for his effort to come out with a booklet for Economics. I find the booklet idea was an interesting idea to get students away from the orthodox method of using their notes books for learning process. It was a great method to get students attention to learn better. The booklet was compact with notes and exercises after each topics and it was indeed a good method to have student who is sitting for major exams. Moreover, Denslee also made extra effort to prepare a very creative notes on mah-jong paper. It was colourful, in big fonts and everyone could actually see it clearly. As someone who doesn’t have any knowledge in Economics, I could actually understand better when Denslee actually taught. I liked how he used the Authentic learning in classroom, he related his lesson to the examples he could find at large. It was indeed another brilliant idea because students tend to learn better when you relate it to things around them. 


Next, I loved Nanthinni’s method of teaching Mathematics as well where she used the student centred approach. She involved students in the classroom activity where she prepared exercises and sticked it on board for students to do it in front. It is a very good reciprocal method to get students to engage in the teaching and learning process. There are also others who did the method for example Pritha, Abirami and many others. I loved this method because it get the students attention for example those who slacks away half way of the teaching process where some get tired and lose focus. In addition, I love the reward system done by most of them who did the mock teaching where some brought in grapes, chocolates and sweets to reward the team that managed to complete the quizzes and the ones who pays attention well in classroom. The way those who did mock teaching by blending in the reward system as per the Behaviorist School of Thought really worked where students who did well got their praises and rewards, this did only get the attention of the students but also enhances students understanding. For example, Denslee, Syahira, Nanthinni, Faridah, Kirthiga and few other used this brilliant reward system. P.s : If only I had you all as my teacher, I would have diabetic if I get those kind of sweets and chocolates every class! :p In addition, I loved how some of my friends used video to get the attention of students for example, Jasmine and Abirami. It was fun and interesting and I am amazed at their creativity to relate movie into teaching specific subjects. 

          In my person opinion, based on observing my friends Mock teaching presentation there are few things that should be avoided. Firstly, when preparing for classroom materials for example slides or hand written materials like in mah-jong paper, it is important that the font or the writing should be  big and clear enough to be seen by everyone in the classroom especially the ones seated at the back. Secondly, voice projection in classroom is an important element. Slow and soft voices cause students to not focus in the classroom and causing them to slack off real bad. A very good example of good voice projection would be Darseni and also Atilia. Kuddos girls! J I loved how the project their voice. I really hope I can do the same! Hahaha :p Thirdly, using mother tongue in classroom while teaching students should be avoided especially when you are in a language classroom where it acquires you to only use English. I am not saying one should not use at all because some students could understand better when you explain in their own mother tongue, but it is best if could be avoided. 

          I am really proud of all my October 2015 ESEB 2064 who presented their mock teaching so well though there is still one last batch presenting next Monday. I believe those who haven’t presented will do as well as those who have already presented their Mock Teaching. For a first timer, this is definitely something each and every one should be proud off. Those sleepless nights preparing lesson plans, cracking head to find ideas for notes, exercises and how to make it as presentable and creative as possible is definitely a hard work that should be praised off for. Thank you so much for everyone who presented for all the useful inputs, teaching methods and also the rewards of chocolates and sweets that I really loved! ;) Hehehe I would like to wish all the best for those presenting on the 28th December 2015 including myself. I am really hoping the best for all of us! :)

Thursday 10 December 2015

7th Reflection - Preparation to "THE DAY" - Mock Teaching! ;)

          This time around in my blog I would be talking about my most feared assignment in the whole year of studying in UNITAR - MOCK TEACHING! That two words freak me out almost every time when I hear my friend discussing about it - Lesson plan, mock teaching, lesson plan, mock teaching! Gosh it freaks me out like mad hahaha Like I said in my earlier blog, although I have the experience teaching and preparing lesson plan, but I feel really nervous about the whole Mock Teaching and lesson plan which will be taking place in few weeks time because teaching kids of less than 6 years of age is totally different from the ones in secondary school. So apparently, I am in the last batch of mock teaching which is on the 28th of December.  Relieve knowing I still have time for it but well ITS THE SEASON TO BE JOLLY - CHRISTMASSSS! This time around Christmas is gonna be not so jolly but its gonna be all about lesson plan and mock teaching! hehe But its okay I shall look on the positive side of it I will still get to enjoy once its done. That's when the REAL CHRISTMAS BEGINS! ;) 
Countdown for Christmas : 15 days. Countdown for the REAL CHRISTMAS(MOCK TEACHING) 18 DAYSSS!! :D *Christmas tree at home(2013) yet to fix this year*

          Okay, lets get back to business on my preparation to Mock teaching. Let me begin by saying again that this is my most feared assignment and I am getting a little demotivated if I can do it wel or not but luckily I have an aunty who is a teacher and every time she whatsapps me I get reminded of preparing my lesson plan and as well as my mock teaching. Here's my preparation to mock teaching firstly,everyday I would think of various ways I can actually teach. I try to relate back to my old experience teaching in the kindergarten. I constantly think of creative ways I can use to approach the students in class on mock teaching day which will be my fellow classmates. Whenever I am on the way to campus, waiting for bus and more I always think off methods and approaches. It sought off helps me in a way because I waste time and rush in the last minute.


          Secondly, I also use Youtube as my learning medium, I watch on how various teachers use their skills and methods to approach students in a very interesting way. About lesson plan, I have yet to start writing on it, but I do have ideas on what are the topics that I would be teaching on and I have thought off the methods I would be using and as well as the ideas on the worksheets that I would be preparing on. I have yet to start up writing on it because I have few assignments due right before Mock Teaching.#storyofaunistudent #notprocrastinating #workoverloaded #Iwillsurvive Hahahaha 
I find Youtube a very useful medium for me as when I watch other teachers teach their students with all soughts of behaviour it gives me an idea on classroom management and it makes me aware that we need to cater to different needs of students to make the teaching and learning process a real meaningful one.

I came across this youtube video while finding for some "inspiration for mock teaching* :p Enjoyy it! hehe #Stressreliever P.s  I hope I dont get students like this in the future! LOL :p

          Thirdly, I would also look into various lesson plans online just to get a better understanding of the things I could actually put in my lesson plan and as well as more creative activities I can actually conduct in class for Mock teaching day! I believe we cant just confine and follow whatever the lecturer has given because we when we explore that's when we tend to learn more. I am trying my best to actually find various ways and methods I can use to get a different and fruitful outcome and hopefully I would be able to actually do my best.

          This is my final assignment for Pedagogy in Education and it is also my last assignment for my semester four. I really hope I would be able to perform well in my mock teaching and I also hope I would be able to prepare a really good lesson plan. Wishing all my friends all the very best in all the preparations to THE DAY - MOCK TEACHING! All is well people. You guys will do fine! May the force be with us all ;) #Wecandothis #Dontgiveup #Itwillbeoversoonerthanyouthink
Keep Calm and All The best "Future Educators" ;)

Friday 4 December 2015

6th Reflection - My Students, My Classroom Rules :)

This time around in my blog I would be talking on : 
Rules I would imply as a class teacher in my classroom :) 

          Rules in a classroom are an important element in ensuring the flow of teaching and learning in the classroom becomes conducive. As a teacher, may it class teacher or subject teacher I feel it is important that teachers become the rule maker in order for the students to abide to it in creating a wholesome future. I would touch on 4 main rules that I trust would be useful. :)

          The rule I would apply in my classroom as a class teacher is firstly it is  important that students have a study area by their own behind the classroom where they can have their time alone or with a few friends of them(3 – 4) can actually sit together and have a discussion by their own. Previously, when I was teaching in a kindergarten, I created a space at the back of the classroom where my students could actually go to the area and have their time out reading and if they don’t understand certain thing I would bring them to that area and teach them. That space also became a reading space where I brought in story books and as well as their compulsory “Peter and Jane” book which they have to read in class every day without fail. I feel it is important that this area is there for students because it could enhance students interest to study and as well as it acts as a medium where students can take their time out from the stressful teaching and learning time in their own spaces in classroom. 

Example of relaxing space behind the classroom from Google that could created by teacher and students. :)

          Next, the rule I would apply in my classroom as a class teacher would be students should constantly update their notice board. The rationale behind this is it makes the classroom more conducive for teaching and learning process. Relating this to my teaching experience in the kindergarten, I would make it a point to actually do art works with the students firstly to bring their talent out and as well as to use the art works to stick it on the notice board to appreciate their effort and when they feel they are all so not motivated and when they are in their own world of not listening to what I say, I would actually use the notice board as a boost for them. I would praise them for the effort and trust me it actually works. Kids are engrossed to praises so yeah that’s the trick here! ;) hehe We can even use this in the context of high school, teachers should encourage their students to stick whatever they want related to studies may it be art, poetry or even testimonials. It doesn’t even only brings out the talent of the student but also beautifies the classroom. 
One of my student, Hadif admiring the notice board we did together :) 
          Furthermore, the next rule I would imply in classroom is spread love and not hatred. It is important students love their classmates as we love ourselves because students are the ones who is almost always together and love should be grown in between them in order to prevent any sought of circumstances in the classroom. I would find ways for example placing and encouraging students to sit with friends from different races. This would not only ensure unity but also enable students to learn more from each one's differences. When students tend to love and care for the classmates then no rules is ever needed in classroom because love prevails all evil! ;) During my teaching experience, I had students from different backgrounds of culture and my major concern was will the students be able to get along with one another since they are still too small to understand and embrace the differences between them. I always tried to ensure them to actually say nice things in classroom for example praising one another and encouraging them to help others and rewarding them for their good deeds. It did work but it took some time for the students to digest it all. :) 
My previous kindergarten students are a living testimony that it is possible to create love and unity among classmates :) P.S : Excuse Hadif's strict face, he purposely did it haha He was the "big brother" in the class that always took care of the rest! :)  

Spread love people, not hatred! :) P.S : Pic of one of my student, Zara ;) 

          In addition, the next rule I would imply in classroom is I would stress on the importance of classroom duty roster. It is only fair if each and every one takes turn to do their task cleaning the classroom. It doesn't only engage students to work together but also enables them to actually study in a clean and conducive classroom. As a class teacher, I myself would prepare the classroom duties because if its given to one person to do it, they would choose the easiest task for them and as well as their friends too, so I myself would allocate their task and encourage them by rewarding the day that is cleanest compared to other days. When students actually know the hardship of cleaning a place, then it would promote good deeds in them for example they won't loiter in public places and more. This could cultivate good deeds and produce a good set of generation that gives good importance to cleanliness.

That's all from me for now, I hope this four ru
les I shared would be useful for future teachers out there. Have a good day beautiful people :)

Sunday 29 November 2015

5th Reflection - Seven Methods for Effective Powerpoint Slide Presentation.

       In the previous class, we looked into few powerpoint slides on lesson plan based on each of our majors including English, Economics and Mathematics. Many of us got different comments on the outlook and content of our lesson plan. There are few methods which I wrote down in class based on Madam Ng's comments :

1) Keep the background design minimal and it shouldn't be too colourful 

We always hear the quote "less is more" and it could be well applied in this case when we do our powerpoint slides. Good colour contrast on the background should be inserted like the example given by Madam Ng is that the background should be in a darker shade and whereas the text should be in a lighter shade to make it easier for the students to read.

Example :
This is one of the examples on how it should look on powerpoint slides :)

2) Importance in using proper type of fonts and font size. 

Often at times when I choose fonts for powerpoint slides, I choose the ones that looks attractive to me, but then during the class last session I realized how important it is to choose fonts that could be read easily by students. The example Madam Ng suggested in class was Century Gothic and the size should range from 20 to 25 so that students could read them clearly even from far.


3. Avoid cramming all the information in one slide. 
It is important that we don't cram a lot of information in one slide in order to avoid students from getting bored  or even lose focus of the subject being taught. Cramming too much information in one slide is never a wise thing to do, its okay if you have many slides as it could lead to better understanding and concentration.

Example of a bad powerpoint slide where they are overloaded information in one slide. 

4. Avoid using cartoon pictures or clip arts. 

I have always had the thought that cartoon and clip art could be something really attractive to be used in slides as it could make the slides more interesting. In the previous class, Madam Ng actually explained to us that it is always good using a real picture that is very much related to the lesson we would be teaching in class.


An example of an emoji(clip art) and a real picture. Instead of using emoji's in slides we could actually use real life pictures of people that would represent the thing we would want to talk about to make it more realistic. 

5. Make the powerpoint slide lessons as local as possible.
What it means is simply by using Malaysian context examples in every points or even examples so that every student in the classroom would receive the message behind each lesson. Each student are brought up in different cultures and background so it is important that teachers find good examples to aid their teaching and learning. Students from urban and rural areas have different thoughts so its important teachers study each students before giving out their opinions on certain things so that they could relate it well to their own lives.  
"Malaysia truly Asia" - Be proud to be a Malaysian by using examples close to Malaysian students. :)
6. Use innovative way of beginning the teaching and learning session.

Often at times, teachers are prone to give notes to students from slides before starting off any lesson. What we fail to do is understand that we should come out of that norm and do something differenet for example like showing them a picture and asking them to guess whats the lesson of the day is going to be. By that way, students become more interactive in classroom rather than reading from the slides and causing them to get bored so easily. Different approaches would attract the students and enable better understanding and results.

7. Cover book examples 

This point applies to teachers who would like to show student examples of the books that teachers would be using in class. Most of the times, teachers would take the whole cover of the book and show it to the students. Its not an efficient way of showing students because they might not grasp the important elements from the cover page of the book. A good cover page example should be properly cropped with all the proper elements and information in it so that the session would be effective and fruitful.

This are few of the many methods given out by Madam Ng in helping us produce a good power point slide. Thank you so much Madam Ng for all the guidelines you have taught, it would definitely be very useful for us all in the future for mock teaching and as well as when we have officially graduated as an educator. That's all from me for now. Thank you so much for reading my blog and hope it would be useful for everyone. :) 

Friday 20 November 2015

4th Reflection : Important Part of a Lesson Plan :)

          Lesson plan is known as every teacher's "best friend" haha I hope. Well, in the previous class, we were exposed in creating our very own lesson plan based on the major we are going to take up in the future. I had experience doing lesson plan when I was teaching in the kindergarten and I got to admit that it seems quite different from what I have to design for secondary school going children. Firstly, would obviously the content of the lesson plan where kindergarten kids activities are far more easier to be designed in my opinion compared to secondary going children. Secondly, the complexity of the lesson plan itself is turning me into an angry bird. haha Why? Because it's not easy at all to design for secondary going children. Well, that's exactly why I am in Pedagogy in Education class right? hehe to learn better and use whatever I am exposed to in the future. :)

          Well, coming back to the main purpose of the blog where I am assigned to talk about the most important part of a lesson plan. Every part in a lesson plan should be given great emphasis but in my opinion the most important part would be on how we organize the time and activities in order to produce a very fruitful teaching and learning lesson. Time management and how a teacher organizes each activities should be done in great precision. This takes us to the stages in a lesson plan which compromises of elements like stage/duration, content/skills, teacher/student activity and lastly rationale behind each activities and audio and visual aid(AVA). Good content and approach in teaching and learning would ensure the good flow of knowledge in class because teachers are aware of what they going to teach their fellow students and when they know  they would be able to find the best method and skill to ensure their students actually would be able to catch up. Good content is proven to be an important element of a lesson plan. 

Side track! :p hehehe #truestory 

          A teacher should take into account all this important elements in a lesson plan, in order to create a good generation of students. Lesson plan could actually decide the flow of teaching and learning. Whether the class session is good or not, it all depends on the lesson plan and in my opinion each part of the lesson plan should be designed carefully as it determines the key performance index of a teacher and also the quality of students that would be produced. I honestly now have great respect for all teachers because designing a lesson plan is not an easy task at all and I believe most of my teachers have done a great job in sacrificing their time to be spent on creating a lesson plan for each class. A BIG SALUTE TO ALL TEACHERS AROUND THE WORLD FOR THAT! :)

Appreciation post to all teaches around the world who work really hard to create lesson plans. Big salute, again! :)

Thank you so much for taking your time to read my blog. Have a great weekend! ;)

Wednesday 11 November 2015

3rd Reflection - Padlet, Creation of Lesson Plan & Life Experiences :)

          This time around in class Madam Ng introduced us to "Padlet". It wasn't something new to me because I have used in my previous semester and I was aware of how sensitive it could get. ;) Its a very creative method of teaching and learning where students can post their views and it automatically shows in the screen. It could be in words, videos or even pictures. We were assigned to share on the best school of thought and the best method that could be used to this school of thought's approach. Many shared various kinds of school of thought with various and new methods of teaching and learning which some I have never heard off before. Personally, I think its a very good method using Padlet in teaching and learning because its very fast and we could actually view and read each one of us opinions in matter of second and clearly. I would definitely use this method of teaching and learning in my classroom in the future to get out of the usual chalk and board method which bores students. I wouldn't want my students to fall asleep in classroom, you see hehe :p

          After some good time doing Padlet, we were assigned in groups to do a "Lesson Plan". The most important tool a teacher would ever encounter in their teaching life. Something I would end up living the rest of my life I think. But hopefully not :p hehehe My group consisted of four beautiful ladies - Diyanah, Shevaanni, Tracy & Jessicca. We used Google as our reference and we got our lesson plan done well. Well, not only Google did the work, we did too ;) hehehe Good remarks from Madam Ng and friends boosted up our confidence level and it sought off helped us to come up with something better in the future.
Literally how the four of us the whole time when we got constant praises. :D Thank you amazing friends :)

          Happen to be on that day was my 23rd birthday and Madam Ng actually shared her life experience on her life experience, It meant a lot to me as it gave me some sought of comfort to me that though you jump from one path to another doesn't mean you wont do well in life. When Madam shared on how she would quit her work because she feels she doesn't belong there and she deserves better gave me a click where once I deferred my studies in my previous law school to do teaching course in Unitar. Not many would understand the pressure and obstacles I went through but I am glad that I actually could relate to Madam Ng's life experience and advises. It means a lot to me and it motivated me to work harder in where I am right now.

          Well, another piece of advise from her on how ladies should never quit job and be a house wife. I totally could relate it to my mum's advise on how ladies should learn how to be independent and not always rely on their husbands in any circumstances. I felt like I was hearing words from my mum throughout the time. Well, it was a good reminder again to my girl friends in class and as well as for me. A well educated lady deserves more than being a house wife, doing chores and changing diapers. They deserve to shine brighter than the stars do, so know your worth and work hard to strive for the best in life may it be in career or knowledge. :) 

Thank you so much for reading my dearest beautiful people. Have a good day ahead :)

Sunday 1 November 2015


          This time around in my second reflection in my blog I would be sharing on The Best School of Thought. As we are aware, there are three school of thoughts - HUMANISTIC SCHOOL OF THOUGHT, BEHAVIORAL SCHOOL OF THOUGHT AND COGNITIVE SCHOOL OF THOUGHT. I am planning to major in language and literature and based on the discussion I find Humanistic School of Thought as the best school of thought.

          Reason I chose Humanistic School of Thought is because of the beliefs whereby it emphasizes students to have good feelings about themselves as its vital for self development which can encourage academic achievement. As we are well aware that language and literature needs students to express themselves out in literature especially so as a future teacher, I feel that humanistic approach enables students to express themselves in the art of literature. When students are able to master the art of loving themselves then no doubt that they will be able to be successful in their lives.

          Next, its also been said that school should be made to fit the child rather than the child made to fit the school. What it means is simply students should be self directed where teaching and learning should be personalized to students preferences. I find this belief really interesting as an aspiring language and literature teacher to be. I find it vital to let students find their own methods and preferences while expressing themselves in the art of language and literature. Teachers act as mentors to guide them through the students they make while the full decision lies in the hands of the students.  This is more like the student centered concept which I believe is one of the best method to be used in teaching and learning in schools.

          Moreover, humanistic school of thought also believes in accepting differences in oneself and embracing it in teaching and learning. There are various ways a student may digest the art of language and literature so I believe as a language and literature educator is important that this element is taken into close account so that my students differences in the future is not taken as a weakness but as plus point for them to actually move forward in life and be really successful - which is my aim in education. :)

The Maslow Hierarchy of Needs could be used as an important tool to measure a students needs in teaching and learning. 

           In a nutshell, other school of thought is definitely good as well as it has been well planned and formed by intellectual people all around the world and as future educators it is important that we do more research on all those other School of Thought so that it could be implied into teaching and learning in the classroom. Various School of Thought has different beliefs and approaches so this varsity could be used a good platform to make the teaching and learning in the classroom a real meaningful and fruitful one. 

I end my blog and leave you with a video which would help you have a good overview about Humanistic School of Though. Have a good day and thank you for taking out the time to read my blog. I appreciate thoughts on the best school of thought from your side too. Thank you again :)

Sunday 25 October 2015

1st Reflection : How I made my "Grand entry to the World of Blogging" :)

Good day everyone! :) Sooo, just when I thought I would never join the world of blogging... Here I am blogging! LOL Actually, we were assigned to set up our own blog to complete one of our assignment - reflection on Pedagogy class for 9 weeks (to be accurate). When I first heard that we would have to set up our own blog and write for every week, I thought to myself "Oh my what did I just put myself into?" To be honest, I am I find it quite a challenge because I am not really good in expressing things out as I am quite reserved. Looking on the positive side, its definitely a brilliant idea that my classmates and I are exposed to the world of blogging and the reason behind the creation of this blog is none other than my beautiful Pedagogy in Education lecturer - Madam Ng. A petite and cute looking lecturer and my first impression when I saw her was definitely - "Oh myyyy she looks sooo strict! Will I survive this semester??" *Yes Madam, I know you would be reading this :p hehe* but honestly, after hearing Madam explain things, I definitely loved her style of explaining and her over view on her teaching methods. :)

Hmm. I must say it was quite challenging for most of us. Newbie's in the world of blogging.  I never liked putting my hands into the world of IT to be honest. Its the most complicated thing for me. hehe :D Downloading software, apps and mor was just never my thing. I just don't know why. Maybe I am not that patient! LOL *A big salute to all IT students. I feel you guys* LOL It took us an hour plus to get download essential software and to get the blog set up - includes time of me ranting when it keep showing I failed to even start up my account at the very start. hahaha :) I think its fair enough to not love IT now? No? hahaha :p Well, thank God for my awesome friends who had so much patience guiding me and helping me out through the whole process. Especially Shevaanni. Thank you so much for being so patient and helpful! :) We had troubles here and there but it was all good since we are well guided by our lecturer and very helpful and awesome classmates. The bond between us just got stronger :)
THE VERY HAPPY FACE WHEN MY BLOG WAS SET UP SUCCESSFULLY! *does the happy dance* P.s : That's my two awesome friends - Shevaanni and Siti Nur Diyanah. The three S ;) #SQUADGOALS :p

Lessons I learned from setting up this blog is firstly "Sherenne, you just need to be patient". lol Jokes aside, Yes patience is virtue. No matter what situation we are put in, we need to have patient in order for things to fall into places. At first, we were all  grumbling when we couldn't download due to the slow internet and few other problems, but to think about it back. Its all part and parcel of life. Obstacles do come in between, how we handle it in times of distress is what makes us into the person we be and things becomes easier when we are calm. For example, lets say in a classroom filled with students of different characters and background. Patience takes its place. Take a deep breath, stay calm and take wise actions to handle the students. :)
                                                    All i need is....ACTUAL PATIENCE :)

Moreover, I realized how important the help of people for example friends around is to solve certain problems. Being quite a reserved person, I tend to keep things to myself and not reach out for help. I realized when we open up and ask for help, things becomes more handy and we are able to solves things fast and efficiently. For example on that day we didn't ask around for help from friends and lecturer, I bet we would have longer time to actually set up the blog and time would have been wasted. :)
                              YESS they surely do. Blessed to have such amazing classmates :)

Next, I realized how important is it to step out of my comfort zone and try out new things an to look at it in a positive way. Though blogging isn't on my favourite list at first but yet I do realize how important it is as an educator to actually step out and discover new things in order to expand my level of understanding in the world of IT. We no more live in the era of chalk and board, its all about IT nowadays so as future educator, I do realize its vital for me to keep up and be up to date with the current flow of the era. I am starting to love blogging now. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Thank you so much Madam Ng for exposing my friends and I to the world of blogging. It is indeed a new and exciting exposure to all of us. :)

That's all from me now the newbie in the world of blogging. Thank you so much my beautiful people for taking your time out to read. Have a great day ahead :)

Friday 23 October 2015

Bits and Pieces About Me, Myself and I– Sherenne Ann Thomas :)

     Hello there! :)  I am Sherenne Ann and I am from Klang. I currently pursuing my 2nd year of Bachelors of Education and I am planning to major in Language and Literature. It has always   been my dream to teach and also my mum’s dream to see me being an educator in the future. I have faced many obstacles before I could actually pursue my tertiary education in the field of education - but I believe it was all my mum's prayers that has placed me where I am right now and I believe
those hurdles would pay off someday. God willing :)


                The superwoman who has inspired and always encouraged me to be an educator and the person I am right now. Words cant explain how thankful I am to be blessed with a super mummy like her :) 

          My passion in teaching started sparkling when I joined work as a teacher in the kindergarten in the year 2012 to fill my time while waiting to get called for public university entry after my STPM( which I didn’t get through hence I joined UNITAR). :)  To be honest, it was one of my best and most meaningful moment of my life. To teach and watch the students you teach progress and grow gracefully right in front of you is probably the best thing an educator can ask for. This kindergarten is really close to my heart because I used to study there years back and to get the opportunity to teach in the same place I used to get my early childhood studies is such an honor and blessing. :) Though, I taught the students in the kindergarten for only 8 months plus, but I learned a lot and made me appreciate every teacher who has taught me because it was never easy being an educator. Takes a lot of effort and hard work, but the plus point would definitely be – it’s one of the most rewarding job ever. Good and encouraging compliments from the my principal a.k.a my boss - Ms Bala helped me a lot and inspired me to be an aspiring educator. Someday I wish I could be like this amazing iron lady- hardworking and inspirational and is very passionate everything she does. I truly admire the way she handles each child and holds them close to her heart.  I will cherish all the moments I had with this beautiful people in Tadika Sri Cemerlang really close to my heart as they have given me countless beautiful moments that I would cherish a life time :)

         Few of the many beautiful shots with my little fallen angels at Tadika Sri Cemerlang ;)

                                         Few of the artworks that we did together :)
                                          Spot me? :) Hehe I know I am almost in their height :)

P.S Here's a video I made for the kids I taught on my last day with them. 

          My philosophy in education is that I believe education is a never ending journey and as an educator it’s my responsibility to provide the best education environment in order for students to get the most out of every teaching and learning process. A conducive yet fun environment where students would learn the best. I believe as an educator it’s important that every educator has the burning and aspiring passion in order to strive for the best to produce a more holistic student. To love, care and facilitate each student without looking at their background and level of understanding and to nurture them with unconditional support and motivation is my belief in education in order to produce the best results in the future for the betterment of the country and world. I believe in learning without boundaries, where students learn for application in life and not just to be put down in words for exams.

          My goal in life is to keep improvising myself from time to time in order to achieve the best in life. I believe we are all not perfect in certain areas of our lives and the only way we can learn and be satisfied with our living is through learning .Being happy and content in what I do is also one of the goals I would like to achieve in the future. I believe there’s no way one can be successful other than being happy with what they do daily. In addition, my goal is to strive my best to make my family proud and to give repay all their sacrifices they have made for me and give back what I have learned throughout the years to the society, nation and the world at large.
I choose to be an educator, how about you? Choose a wise one ;)

That's all from me for now, I would appreciate sincere comments from everyone who reads this blog as I would use those feedback to improvise my blogging skills(which I have yet to learn more) :) as I am still new in the world of blogging( I am quite outdated, I know) hehe ;)  but oh well there's always room to learn and improvise I believe ;) Thank you so much for taking your precious time out reading, I do look forward for your kind feedback. Good day, beautiful people! :)