Wednesday 11 November 2015

3rd Reflection - Padlet, Creation of Lesson Plan & Life Experiences :)

          This time around in class Madam Ng introduced us to "Padlet". It wasn't something new to me because I have used in my previous semester and I was aware of how sensitive it could get. ;) Its a very creative method of teaching and learning where students can post their views and it automatically shows in the screen. It could be in words, videos or even pictures. We were assigned to share on the best school of thought and the best method that could be used to this school of thought's approach. Many shared various kinds of school of thought with various and new methods of teaching and learning which some I have never heard off before. Personally, I think its a very good method using Padlet in teaching and learning because its very fast and we could actually view and read each one of us opinions in matter of second and clearly. I would definitely use this method of teaching and learning in my classroom in the future to get out of the usual chalk and board method which bores students. I wouldn't want my students to fall asleep in classroom, you see hehe :p

          After some good time doing Padlet, we were assigned in groups to do a "Lesson Plan". The most important tool a teacher would ever encounter in their teaching life. Something I would end up living the rest of my life I think. But hopefully not :p hehehe My group consisted of four beautiful ladies - Diyanah, Shevaanni, Tracy & Jessicca. We used Google as our reference and we got our lesson plan done well. Well, not only Google did the work, we did too ;) hehehe Good remarks from Madam Ng and friends boosted up our confidence level and it sought off helped us to come up with something better in the future.
Literally how the four of us the whole time when we got constant praises. :D Thank you amazing friends :)

          Happen to be on that day was my 23rd birthday and Madam Ng actually shared her life experience on her life experience, It meant a lot to me as it gave me some sought of comfort to me that though you jump from one path to another doesn't mean you wont do well in life. When Madam shared on how she would quit her work because she feels she doesn't belong there and she deserves better gave me a click where once I deferred my studies in my previous law school to do teaching course in Unitar. Not many would understand the pressure and obstacles I went through but I am glad that I actually could relate to Madam Ng's life experience and advises. It means a lot to me and it motivated me to work harder in where I am right now.

          Well, another piece of advise from her on how ladies should never quit job and be a house wife. I totally could relate it to my mum's advise on how ladies should learn how to be independent and not always rely on their husbands in any circumstances. I felt like I was hearing words from my mum throughout the time. Well, it was a good reminder again to my girl friends in class and as well as for me. A well educated lady deserves more than being a house wife, doing chores and changing diapers. They deserve to shine brighter than the stars do, so know your worth and work hard to strive for the best in life may it be in career or knowledge. :) 

Thank you so much for reading my dearest beautiful people. Have a good day ahead :)

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