Wednesday 30 December 2015

9th and Final Reflection - Memories of my Pedagogy Journey! :)

12 weeks of Pedagogy has definitely been a challenging yet very meaningful one. I have discovered tons of lessons along the way :

Firstly, I discovered you will never love  or know what you are capable of doing until you actually put in effort to take the first step to try. Blogging wasn't my interest at the beginning and I got all worried when it became a part of my assignment. Trust me I did actually thought I would not be able to do a good job. Nevertheless, it didnt stop me from trying. My mum always say you will never love something until you actually take time to discover it. I took her advise and actually put in a lot of effort in each blog I did. I know I had my flaws here and there but it all paid off when I got good comments from my lecturer, Madam Ng :) It definitely means a lot to me and it sought of boosted up my confidence level to write better in each blog! :) P.s Thank you so much Madam Ng, I wouldn't be able to do a good job without your humanistic school of thought approach! :p Hehe Giving praises and rewards to students could actually boost confidence! :)

Secondly, I discovered that student centred approach in classroom could actually be a really good method of teaching and learning. Well, I did actually read in books and online journal on how good student centred approach could be but I never actually witnessed it. In Madam Ng's class, I witnessed it for the past 12 weeks. Madam Ng was a person of very less words. She gave her students to speak out more during class. From open discussions to padlets, and online forums. I love how Madam Ng doesn't direct us to only use specific method of learning and being autocratic like some lecturers. At first I wondered why Madam actually didn't speak much but eventually I discovered that we learn better in group discussions and when we go through each other's work in classroom for example the online forums, padlets and more. I learnt a lot of things for this past 12 weeks compared to any other subject I learnt in UNITAR ever since semester one. I am definitely going to adapt this method of teaching in classroom when I be an educator in the future.

Thirdly, I discovered the importance and value of friendship. Yes, I am a person who gets a little emotional when it comes to friendship. I get easily touched when I get good support and positive vibes. What touched me was during mock teaching, I witnessed how helpful, supportive and encouraging each and every one could be. Some of us even me was a little nervous during Mock Teaching but with the constant help and support from friends, I could overcome the fears. I am ever so thankful to this people for helping me along the way! Definitely one of the best bunch of friends I have ever had. I only knew some of them only during Pedagogy class, but I feel like I have known them for years by the way they treat me. So warm and caring!
This people have been a great support to me! Thank you Shevaanni, Retesh and Diyanah! Love you guys <3

Forthly, I learned classroom management & rules in classroom the key to a great teaching and learning environment. During he 7th or 8th week of class, when we had the discussion of classroom management and rules in the classroom, I was exposed to many different situations given by Dr Ng and as well as my classmates in the discussion on how to face certain situations. Though I had the experience of teaching 4 years old back in the year 2011 but I didn't know it would be totally different. I realized as students get older sometimes they tend to be even more rebellious. That discussions we had in classroom, gave me a lot of useful inputs of what I should prepare myself into when I enter the world of teaching. Honestly, when we were asked to find the different ways of classroom management and rules, I did a little research and found different methods and rules which caught my attention and I would definitely use it in the futures. This shows that this course has been a good platform for me to let myself sink in more into the world of teaching.

Fifth, learned that to be a teacher is not an easy responsibility. Yes, I was aware from the beginning to be a teacher is not an easy job, because parents and society have so much hopes on teachers to mould their children to be a morally and intellectually good. What I didn't know along the way was the preparation a teacher need to do before he/she gets into the class is crucial. From preparing the lesson plans, the methods, materials and rationale behind each notes, exercises and activities that will be conducted is important and needs to be up to date to the current syllabus. During this 12 weeks, I was given a good exposure by Madam Ng to get myself started with lesson plans and preparing notes and activities so that I would be emotionally prepared of what I would be facing in the future with the secondary students in school. Thank you so much Madam Ng for all the guidance in helping and encouraging me to get exposed to lesson plans though it was a little challenging but I managed to do it.
p.s A blog wouldn't be enough to share all that I have discovered throughout the 12 weeks! Too many meaningful lessons. :)


This is my final blog and I would like to thank Madam Ng for all the advises, support and patience in teaching me and guiding me for the past 12 weeks. Thank you so much for introducing me to so many new methods of teaching and learning. It was definitely a great pleasure to get you as my lecturer. I enjoyed your classes and I would definitely miss attending your classes and blogging as well. Words cant describe how thankful I am for all the knowledge you have shared and I see the rationale behind each and every task and method of teaching you have done with us. I learned a lot from your class and I definitely would use it when I get into the world of teaching. I really hope to make you proud someday Madam. Please do keep us all in your prayers and thoughts. Thank you so much again Madam for everything! <3 :)

Shoutout to all ESEB 2064 OCTOBER 2015 thank you so much for all the support, friendship and fun times you guys have given me. I definitely enjoyed being in the accompany of you all. It has definitely been a pleasure and I am really blessed to know all of you. Hope we would be able to work together again as a class though some of us are from different semesters. Thank you so much for the memories ESEB 2064 OCTOBER 2015 <3 <3 Love you guys tons! All the best for finals! Break a leg and see you guys soon! :) 

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