Sunday 25 October 2015

1st Reflection : How I made my "Grand entry to the World of Blogging" :)

Good day everyone! :) Sooo, just when I thought I would never join the world of blogging... Here I am blogging! LOL Actually, we were assigned to set up our own blog to complete one of our assignment - reflection on Pedagogy class for 9 weeks (to be accurate). When I first heard that we would have to set up our own blog and write for every week, I thought to myself "Oh my what did I just put myself into?" To be honest, I am I find it quite a challenge because I am not really good in expressing things out as I am quite reserved. Looking on the positive side, its definitely a brilliant idea that my classmates and I are exposed to the world of blogging and the reason behind the creation of this blog is none other than my beautiful Pedagogy in Education lecturer - Madam Ng. A petite and cute looking lecturer and my first impression when I saw her was definitely - "Oh myyyy she looks sooo strict! Will I survive this semester??" *Yes Madam, I know you would be reading this :p hehe* but honestly, after hearing Madam explain things, I definitely loved her style of explaining and her over view on her teaching methods. :)

Hmm. I must say it was quite challenging for most of us. Newbie's in the world of blogging.  I never liked putting my hands into the world of IT to be honest. Its the most complicated thing for me. hehe :D Downloading software, apps and mor was just never my thing. I just don't know why. Maybe I am not that patient! LOL *A big salute to all IT students. I feel you guys* LOL It took us an hour plus to get download essential software and to get the blog set up - includes time of me ranting when it keep showing I failed to even start up my account at the very start. hahaha :) I think its fair enough to not love IT now? No? hahaha :p Well, thank God for my awesome friends who had so much patience guiding me and helping me out through the whole process. Especially Shevaanni. Thank you so much for being so patient and helpful! :) We had troubles here and there but it was all good since we are well guided by our lecturer and very helpful and awesome classmates. The bond between us just got stronger :)
THE VERY HAPPY FACE WHEN MY BLOG WAS SET UP SUCCESSFULLY! *does the happy dance* P.s : That's my two awesome friends - Shevaanni and Siti Nur Diyanah. The three S ;) #SQUADGOALS :p

Lessons I learned from setting up this blog is firstly "Sherenne, you just need to be patient". lol Jokes aside, Yes patience is virtue. No matter what situation we are put in, we need to have patient in order for things to fall into places. At first, we were all  grumbling when we couldn't download due to the slow internet and few other problems, but to think about it back. Its all part and parcel of life. Obstacles do come in between, how we handle it in times of distress is what makes us into the person we be and things becomes easier when we are calm. For example, lets say in a classroom filled with students of different characters and background. Patience takes its place. Take a deep breath, stay calm and take wise actions to handle the students. :)
                                                    All i need is....ACTUAL PATIENCE :)

Moreover, I realized how important the help of people for example friends around is to solve certain problems. Being quite a reserved person, I tend to keep things to myself and not reach out for help. I realized when we open up and ask for help, things becomes more handy and we are able to solves things fast and efficiently. For example on that day we didn't ask around for help from friends and lecturer, I bet we would have longer time to actually set up the blog and time would have been wasted. :)
                              YESS they surely do. Blessed to have such amazing classmates :)

Next, I realized how important is it to step out of my comfort zone and try out new things an to look at it in a positive way. Though blogging isn't on my favourite list at first but yet I do realize how important it is as an educator to actually step out and discover new things in order to expand my level of understanding in the world of IT. We no more live in the era of chalk and board, its all about IT nowadays so as future educator, I do realize its vital for me to keep up and be up to date with the current flow of the era. I am starting to love blogging now. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Thank you so much Madam Ng for exposing my friends and I to the world of blogging. It is indeed a new and exciting exposure to all of us. :)

That's all from me now the newbie in the world of blogging. Thank you so much my beautiful people for taking your time out to read. Have a great day ahead :)

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