Tuesday 22 December 2015

8th Reflection : Mock Teaching :)

          Mock teaching has been going on 2 weeks now and this time around in my blog I would be talking about the mock teaching process and my preference. Honestly, I can say each and every one who presented in these two weeks had done their level best and they look like they are naturally born to be teachers. Though there are flaws here and there, but almost everyone managed to nail it! Kuddos guys! I believe this is a great stepping stone for each and every one of us to manage our fear to stand in front and to teach within 30 minutes. It takes a lot of effort, hard work and bravery to do it. Honestly when my friends were in front teaching, I could actually imagine what each teachers in secondary schools are actually going through to prepare lesson plans, to teach students with so many levels of understanding and also behaviour, prepare exercises, mark them and more. Wow being a teacher is definitely something to be proud off! I am definitely a proud educator to be. J On the first day of mock teaching, the bar has been set up really high by most of my friends. Good is such an understatement to describe some of them. 

          Especially Ashkamir, he taught Economics in class and honestly I don’t really like Economics. I dropped it back when I was in form 6 because I didn’t really like the way Economics was taught and I had no background in Economics back in form 4 and 5 because I was in Science stream. So yeah I did struggle a bit causing me to take History instead. When I heard Askhamir was going to teach Economics, I really thought I won’t be focusing in class at all. But yeah,  I was wrong, he caught my attention to get me to study Economics. What I liked was the method he used in his teaching where he created a Poem out of the few elements of Economics he taught. That was a brilliant and creative idea and I never taught it could be done. His body language and voice intonation was really good and it made most of us (especially those who hate economics) to love it at least for a day when he taught us. Haha :p His enthusiasm really got into us. He used the teacher centred approach where he kept reminding us to not be “ego” where we should listen to him first before anything. I find it interesting and I respect him for the method he use. Where though, it is teacher centred but he still managed to get all of us to like what he taught. Honestly, if I had such a teacher back in form 6, I wouldn’t have dropped Economics at all. Hahaha (I am serious) J He didn’t have such fancy notes, rewards or anything but he has the charisma which every teacher should have.


  Next, Denslee amazed me with the booklet he made for mock teaching. Honestly, it is not easy producing a booklet because I myself did a booklet for my mock teaching. I salute Denslee for his effort to come out with a booklet for Economics. I find the booklet idea was an interesting idea to get students away from the orthodox method of using their notes books for learning process. It was a great method to get students attention to learn better. The booklet was compact with notes and exercises after each topics and it was indeed a good method to have student who is sitting for major exams. Moreover, Denslee also made extra effort to prepare a very creative notes on mah-jong paper. It was colourful, in big fonts and everyone could actually see it clearly. As someone who doesn’t have any knowledge in Economics, I could actually understand better when Denslee actually taught. I liked how he used the Authentic learning in classroom, he related his lesson to the examples he could find at large. It was indeed another brilliant idea because students tend to learn better when you relate it to things around them. 


Next, I loved Nanthinni’s method of teaching Mathematics as well where she used the student centred approach. She involved students in the classroom activity where she prepared exercises and sticked it on board for students to do it in front. It is a very good reciprocal method to get students to engage in the teaching and learning process. There are also others who did the method for example Pritha, Abirami and many others. I loved this method because it get the students attention for example those who slacks away half way of the teaching process where some get tired and lose focus. In addition, I love the reward system done by most of them who did the mock teaching where some brought in grapes, chocolates and sweets to reward the team that managed to complete the quizzes and the ones who pays attention well in classroom. The way those who did mock teaching by blending in the reward system as per the Behaviorist School of Thought really worked where students who did well got their praises and rewards, this did only get the attention of the students but also enhances students understanding. For example, Denslee, Syahira, Nanthinni, Faridah, Kirthiga and few other used this brilliant reward system. P.s : If only I had you all as my teacher, I would have diabetic if I get those kind of sweets and chocolates every class! :p In addition, I loved how some of my friends used video to get the attention of students for example, Jasmine and Abirami. It was fun and interesting and I am amazed at their creativity to relate movie into teaching specific subjects. 

          In my person opinion, based on observing my friends Mock teaching presentation there are few things that should be avoided. Firstly, when preparing for classroom materials for example slides or hand written materials like in mah-jong paper, it is important that the font or the writing should be  big and clear enough to be seen by everyone in the classroom especially the ones seated at the back. Secondly, voice projection in classroom is an important element. Slow and soft voices cause students to not focus in the classroom and causing them to slack off real bad. A very good example of good voice projection would be Darseni and also Atilia. Kuddos girls! J I loved how the project their voice. I really hope I can do the same! Hahaha :p Thirdly, using mother tongue in classroom while teaching students should be avoided especially when you are in a language classroom where it acquires you to only use English. I am not saying one should not use at all because some students could understand better when you explain in their own mother tongue, but it is best if could be avoided. 

          I am really proud of all my October 2015 ESEB 2064 who presented their mock teaching so well though there is still one last batch presenting next Monday. I believe those who haven’t presented will do as well as those who have already presented their Mock Teaching. For a first timer, this is definitely something each and every one should be proud off. Those sleepless nights preparing lesson plans, cracking head to find ideas for notes, exercises and how to make it as presentable and creative as possible is definitely a hard work that should be praised off for. Thank you so much for everyone who presented for all the useful inputs, teaching methods and also the rewards of chocolates and sweets that I really loved! ;) Hehehe I would like to wish all the best for those presenting on the 28th December 2015 including myself. I am really hoping the best for all of us! :)

1 comment:

  1. Yeay there is my name! Youre so rajin to put all the name here! What an effort?! Congrates kak sherenne. Im sure ms ng will give high for ur coursemark
