Thursday 10 December 2015

7th Reflection - Preparation to "THE DAY" - Mock Teaching! ;)

          This time around in my blog I would be talking about my most feared assignment in the whole year of studying in UNITAR - MOCK TEACHING! That two words freak me out almost every time when I hear my friend discussing about it - Lesson plan, mock teaching, lesson plan, mock teaching! Gosh it freaks me out like mad hahaha Like I said in my earlier blog, although I have the experience teaching and preparing lesson plan, but I feel really nervous about the whole Mock Teaching and lesson plan which will be taking place in few weeks time because teaching kids of less than 6 years of age is totally different from the ones in secondary school. So apparently, I am in the last batch of mock teaching which is on the 28th of December.  Relieve knowing I still have time for it but well ITS THE SEASON TO BE JOLLY - CHRISTMASSSS! This time around Christmas is gonna be not so jolly but its gonna be all about lesson plan and mock teaching! hehe But its okay I shall look on the positive side of it I will still get to enjoy once its done. That's when the REAL CHRISTMAS BEGINS! ;) 
Countdown for Christmas : 15 days. Countdown for the REAL CHRISTMAS(MOCK TEACHING) 18 DAYSSS!! :D *Christmas tree at home(2013) yet to fix this year*

          Okay, lets get back to business on my preparation to Mock teaching. Let me begin by saying again that this is my most feared assignment and I am getting a little demotivated if I can do it wel or not but luckily I have an aunty who is a teacher and every time she whatsapps me I get reminded of preparing my lesson plan and as well as my mock teaching. Here's my preparation to mock teaching firstly,everyday I would think of various ways I can actually teach. I try to relate back to my old experience teaching in the kindergarten. I constantly think of creative ways I can use to approach the students in class on mock teaching day which will be my fellow classmates. Whenever I am on the way to campus, waiting for bus and more I always think off methods and approaches. It sought off helps me in a way because I waste time and rush in the last minute.


          Secondly, I also use Youtube as my learning medium, I watch on how various teachers use their skills and methods to approach students in a very interesting way. About lesson plan, I have yet to start writing on it, but I do have ideas on what are the topics that I would be teaching on and I have thought off the methods I would be using and as well as the ideas on the worksheets that I would be preparing on. I have yet to start up writing on it because I have few assignments due right before Mock Teaching.#storyofaunistudent #notprocrastinating #workoverloaded #Iwillsurvive Hahahaha 
I find Youtube a very useful medium for me as when I watch other teachers teach their students with all soughts of behaviour it gives me an idea on classroom management and it makes me aware that we need to cater to different needs of students to make the teaching and learning process a real meaningful one.

I came across this youtube video while finding for some "inspiration for mock teaching* :p Enjoyy it! hehe #Stressreliever P.s  I hope I dont get students like this in the future! LOL :p

          Thirdly, I would also look into various lesson plans online just to get a better understanding of the things I could actually put in my lesson plan and as well as more creative activities I can actually conduct in class for Mock teaching day! I believe we cant just confine and follow whatever the lecturer has given because we when we explore that's when we tend to learn more. I am trying my best to actually find various ways and methods I can use to get a different and fruitful outcome and hopefully I would be able to actually do my best.

          This is my final assignment for Pedagogy in Education and it is also my last assignment for my semester four. I really hope I would be able to perform well in my mock teaching and I also hope I would be able to prepare a really good lesson plan. Wishing all my friends all the very best in all the preparations to THE DAY - MOCK TEACHING! All is well people. You guys will do fine! May the force be with us all ;) #Wecandothis #Dontgiveup #Itwillbeoversoonerthanyouthink
Keep Calm and All The best "Future Educators" ;)


  1. I had to agree; as a first-hand witness, you get all worried and your face changes from a "I'm having my lunch at the cafeteria"-look to a "OMG, I'm so dead, I think I left my phone in the cinema" kind of look every time I asked you on your progress for Pedagogy's assignment. But, as your close friend, since I know you from semester 1, I just know you're gonna nail the Mock Teaching! You go girl!

  2. awww you know me tooo well Didi! :) Thank you so much for being a great support during my mock teaching and in the process as well! You are the best <3
