Friday 23 October 2015

Bits and Pieces About Me, Myself and I– Sherenne Ann Thomas :)

     Hello there! :)  I am Sherenne Ann and I am from Klang. I currently pursuing my 2nd year of Bachelors of Education and I am planning to major in Language and Literature. It has always   been my dream to teach and also my mum’s dream to see me being an educator in the future. I have faced many obstacles before I could actually pursue my tertiary education in the field of education - but I believe it was all my mum's prayers that has placed me where I am right now and I believe
those hurdles would pay off someday. God willing :)


                The superwoman who has inspired and always encouraged me to be an educator and the person I am right now. Words cant explain how thankful I am to be blessed with a super mummy like her :) 

          My passion in teaching started sparkling when I joined work as a teacher in the kindergarten in the year 2012 to fill my time while waiting to get called for public university entry after my STPM( which I didn’t get through hence I joined UNITAR). :)  To be honest, it was one of my best and most meaningful moment of my life. To teach and watch the students you teach progress and grow gracefully right in front of you is probably the best thing an educator can ask for. This kindergarten is really close to my heart because I used to study there years back and to get the opportunity to teach in the same place I used to get my early childhood studies is such an honor and blessing. :) Though, I taught the students in the kindergarten for only 8 months plus, but I learned a lot and made me appreciate every teacher who has taught me because it was never easy being an educator. Takes a lot of effort and hard work, but the plus point would definitely be – it’s one of the most rewarding job ever. Good and encouraging compliments from the my principal a.k.a my boss - Ms Bala helped me a lot and inspired me to be an aspiring educator. Someday I wish I could be like this amazing iron lady- hardworking and inspirational and is very passionate everything she does. I truly admire the way she handles each child and holds them close to her heart.  I will cherish all the moments I had with this beautiful people in Tadika Sri Cemerlang really close to my heart as they have given me countless beautiful moments that I would cherish a life time :)

         Few of the many beautiful shots with my little fallen angels at Tadika Sri Cemerlang ;)

                                         Few of the artworks that we did together :)
                                          Spot me? :) Hehe I know I am almost in their height :)

P.S Here's a video I made for the kids I taught on my last day with them. 

          My philosophy in education is that I believe education is a never ending journey and as an educator it’s my responsibility to provide the best education environment in order for students to get the most out of every teaching and learning process. A conducive yet fun environment where students would learn the best. I believe as an educator it’s important that every educator has the burning and aspiring passion in order to strive for the best to produce a more holistic student. To love, care and facilitate each student without looking at their background and level of understanding and to nurture them with unconditional support and motivation is my belief in education in order to produce the best results in the future for the betterment of the country and world. I believe in learning without boundaries, where students learn for application in life and not just to be put down in words for exams.

          My goal in life is to keep improvising myself from time to time in order to achieve the best in life. I believe we are all not perfect in certain areas of our lives and the only way we can learn and be satisfied with our living is through learning .Being happy and content in what I do is also one of the goals I would like to achieve in the future. I believe there’s no way one can be successful other than being happy with what they do daily. In addition, my goal is to strive my best to make my family proud and to give repay all their sacrifices they have made for me and give back what I have learned throughout the years to the society, nation and the world at large.
I choose to be an educator, how about you? Choose a wise one ;)

That's all from me for now, I would appreciate sincere comments from everyone who reads this blog as I would use those feedback to improvise my blogging skills(which I have yet to learn more) :) as I am still new in the world of blogging( I am quite outdated, I know) hehe ;)  but oh well there's always room to learn and improvise I believe ;) Thank you so much for taking your precious time out reading, I do look forward for your kind feedback. Good day, beautiful people! :)

1 comment:

  1. Awww, this is such a beautiful and inspirational write up! So honest and sweet :) The pictures with the kindergarten children really got to me :') The education world is surely lucky to have you as a future educator :)
