Sunday 1 November 2015


          This time around in my second reflection in my blog I would be sharing on The Best School of Thought. As we are aware, there are three school of thoughts - HUMANISTIC SCHOOL OF THOUGHT, BEHAVIORAL SCHOOL OF THOUGHT AND COGNITIVE SCHOOL OF THOUGHT. I am planning to major in language and literature and based on the discussion I find Humanistic School of Thought as the best school of thought.

          Reason I chose Humanistic School of Thought is because of the beliefs whereby it emphasizes students to have good feelings about themselves as its vital for self development which can encourage academic achievement. As we are well aware that language and literature needs students to express themselves out in literature especially so as a future teacher, I feel that humanistic approach enables students to express themselves in the art of literature. When students are able to master the art of loving themselves then no doubt that they will be able to be successful in their lives.

          Next, its also been said that school should be made to fit the child rather than the child made to fit the school. What it means is simply students should be self directed where teaching and learning should be personalized to students preferences. I find this belief really interesting as an aspiring language and literature teacher to be. I find it vital to let students find their own methods and preferences while expressing themselves in the art of language and literature. Teachers act as mentors to guide them through the students they make while the full decision lies in the hands of the students.  This is more like the student centered concept which I believe is one of the best method to be used in teaching and learning in schools.

          Moreover, humanistic school of thought also believes in accepting differences in oneself and embracing it in teaching and learning. There are various ways a student may digest the art of language and literature so I believe as a language and literature educator is important that this element is taken into close account so that my students differences in the future is not taken as a weakness but as plus point for them to actually move forward in life and be really successful - which is my aim in education. :)

The Maslow Hierarchy of Needs could be used as an important tool to measure a students needs in teaching and learning. 

           In a nutshell, other school of thought is definitely good as well as it has been well planned and formed by intellectual people all around the world and as future educators it is important that we do more research on all those other School of Thought so that it could be implied into teaching and learning in the classroom. Various School of Thought has different beliefs and approaches so this varsity could be used a good platform to make the teaching and learning in the classroom a real meaningful and fruitful one. 

I end my blog and leave you with a video which would help you have a good overview about Humanistic School of Though. Have a good day and thank you for taking out the time to read my blog. I appreciate thoughts on the best school of thought from your side too. Thank you again :)

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