Monday 24 June 2019

Story of a Brown Girl

          I grew up in a friendly Malay neighborhood and it has been almost 20 over years since I have been living here. Hence, I have a lot of Malay friends whom I grew up, studied, and played with over the years of my childhood. P.s To be honest, I had one of the best ever childhood days; catching tadpoles, bicycle racing, running around playing hide and seek, catching - catching barefoot and the list just goes on and on...

          Coming back to story, since I have a lot of Malay friends, I learnt Bahasa Melayu from my childhood friends till I started speaking Bahasa at home with my family members. I cant recall when it all started but I got so comfortable speaking Bahasa. Till one day, my father (papa) called me and said that I should use English at home. I was shocked and I asked Papa why and he told me its because everyone seemed to be questioning him why do I speak Bahasa at home when I am not a Malay. I thought to myself that it was really silly of the society to say that to Papa. I tried to speak in English to my dad but it was really, really awkward and a total #epicfailure! I just couldn't no matter how hard I try. Then, I reverted back to speaking Malay and I thought it was all good till...

          One day, the society again started questioning me for having a lot of  Malay friends. Some people who just can't seem to see me happy, questioned why do I have a lot of Malay friends when I am an Indian girl. Like whatttt?? I just couldn't find an answer to another silly question! Instead I was puzzled, what's so wrong in having Malay friends? I do have non-Malay friends as well, but I am much closer to my Malay friends as most of them are people I grew up with and they are more like my family. Some even told my parents that I was going to convert into a Muslim girl, soon if I continue to be friends with my fellow Malay friends. These people were definitely out of their mind!

          That isn't all, my friendship with my fellow Malay friends again sparked conflict when one of my friend(the first in the gang to get married) got hitched and she chose me as her bridesmaid. I was dressed in a pink baju kurung and a peach shawl (in respect to the holy place where my friend's wedding took place). After I uploaded few pictures on Instagram, I got the backlash which I knew was coming! Some of the comments were "I am sure you're going to get married to a Muslim", Have you forgotten your roots?" That's just how insensitive people were! 


          On a side note, I still do dress up in my traditional punjabi suits and sarees quite often, and I do enjoy eating my banana leaf meal. P.s I cant live without rice and curry! Yet, people don't choose to see that side of me embracing my roots, every now and then.............

          Its saddening how shallow minded the society can get, its impossible to shut their mouth from throwing hate comments. I strongly believe one’s root shouldn't solely be judged what by one speaks, wears, eats or the race of people one chooses to mingle. I will carry my roots always with me, I will keep it close to my heart and I am not responsible in proving to you of my love for my roots.

Deep down, I know how much I love and respect my roots! :) Don't be overly obsessed with your own roots, that it made you forgot to be HUMAN first! Spread love to ALL, not just your own roots! 💗